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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Huge News: Warner Bros. Slate of Upcoming Dc Comics Movies for 2016 - 2020!?!?

Wow. This sure came out of nowhere...

I've been reading articles and hearing rumors through the internet grapevine about what Warner Bros. game-plan for the Justice League and the future of the Dc Comics Universe exactly is.

I read an article on released earlier this summer that a "rumored" slate of upcoming Dc Comics films following the March 2016 release of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The list was comprised of, but not limited to, a solo Wonder Woman film, Shazam starring Dwayne Johnson, a Flash and Green Lantern team-up film, David S. Goyer's adaptation of Sandman starring Joseph Gordon Levitt and a Man of Steel sequel. This list was neither confirmed nor denied by Warner Bros. But the bombshell that Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara is as serious as a heart-attack. Which is just about what happened when I read this slate of ten upcoming films. Consisting of...
  • Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice - March 25, 2016
  • The Suicide Squad - August 5, 2016
  • Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017
  • Justice League Part One - November 12, 2017
  • The Flash - March 23, 2018
  • Aquaman - July 27, 2018
  • Shazam - April 5, 2019
  • Justice League Part 2 - June 14, 2019
  • Cyborg -April 3, 2020
  • Green Lantern Reboot -June 19, 2020
The booming voice of James Earl Jones as Darth Vader would say,
"Impressive. Most impressive."

Man the next few years of movies are going to be unbelievable! There are a few things that surprise me and concern me at the same time. For starters, The Suicide Squad?! I've only heard rumors of this production a few weeks ago! The article states that End of Watch and Fury director David Ayer is set to direct which is most intriguing. I had no idea this project was so far along. Now I'm interested in who will play Harley Quinn. (Fingers crossed for Katee Sackhoff!)

I expected to see Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Shazam and a Green Lantern Reboot on here.

I personally am super nervous about Wonder Woman. Not because I have anything against female lead movies. If anything, I am all for tough leading ladies in action movies! I'm still on the fence about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. I've completely warmed up to Ben Affleck as Batman, but I'm still not entirely confident about Gadot. Only time will tell.

We also have received news on who will play the fastest man alive in the upcoming 2018 solo film! Ezra Miller of Perks of Being a Wallflower fame will star as Barry Alan. I'm not very familiar with his work so I can't give my opinions on him as an actor. I'm interested in what is to develop in this project.

Aquaman comes next and I am going to be watching this project intently. The king of the sea has been the laughing stock of comic book heroes for decades. But with Jason Momoa as the lead he will definitely bring a heavy dose of masculinity to a much mocked character. The thought of underwater fight scenes also interests me. I am pumped.

I've briefly talked about Shazam in my post about Dwayne Johnson's casting. I love The Rock so this film already has my money.

Cyborg came straight out of left field! Never would have called that one! I know absolutely nothing about this character. Only from the one or two episodes of Teen Titans I've seen. Ray Fisher will make an appearance in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (along with every other member of the Justice League!). I'm not familiar with the actor and even less familiar with the source material. This will be another one I'll be watching intently.

I'm not surprised that the Green Lantern reboot is the last film on the list. It's probably planned that way so that by the time of this films release, everyone will have the Ryan Reynold's version blocked out of their memories. Much like Ang Lee's Hulk. The article says nothing about if the film will be about Hal Jordan or Jon Stewart. I love the character of Green Lantern and I'm bummed it's so far away, but if it will lead to a better movie then I'm all for it.

The Justice League news however concerns me. I despise when a film is split into two or more parts because one half will be all buildup with little payoff and the latter will be all payoff in an attempt to make you forget about a completely pointless Part 1. Why it couldn't just be a Justice League sequel in 2019 instead of a continuation is beyond my comprehension. Then again, the person who made this decision is probably the same guy who thought Jessie Eisenberg was born to play Lex Luthor...
I've warmed up to Ben Affleck as Batman by now, but I still can't wrap my mind around imitation Michael Cera playing arguably the most iconic comic book villain of all time. I digress.

From this announcement you can really tell that Warner Bros. is scrambling right now. They really can't afford any misfires now. I can't say that I'll be the first to say this but if Dawn of Justice fails to please the fans, Warner Bros. plans at a DC Cinematic Universe are done for. Then again, that is very unlikely. But I wouldn't be surprised considering all of Warner Bros. other failed attempts to kickstart an intertwining DC Comics universe. Do Superman Returns and Green Lantern ring any bells?

Despite my negativity, I really hope that this does come to fruition! What I'm interested in now is who will be directing these films and who will be starring in the roles. When we get that news, I can really begin to form my opinions because right now everything is all up in the air.