With this being my 42nd movie review, it would have been fitting to review either the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy or 42. Another missed opportunity, but I figured I should finish reviewing all of the Pirates movies. Savvy?
In Dead Man's Chest, Captain Jack races to find the heart of Davy Jones to avoid getting his soul enslaved on the Flying Dutchman for all eternity.
Some of my friends say that Curse of the Black Pearl was the only good Pirates movie. I disagree. The first one is the best, but the second is even more fun! Dead Man's Chest is definitely the funniest Pirates film. Curse of the Black pearl was funny, but the humor came from Captain Jack most of the time. In Dead Man's Chest, the humor usually came from Pintel and Ragetti. Granted Sparrow still has many funny moments, but he didn't steal the show like he did in the first one.
As much as I adore Curse of the Black Pearl, my biggest complaint is that Johnny Depp stole the show. I enjoyed the movie nonetheless, but like The Avengers I enjoy when movies don't single out one actor in a movie with an ensemble cast. A cast should work as a machine, with each actor performing as a whole. This movie does that very well.
While watching the movie you can tell that the cast works really well together. It looks like everyone is having a good time or that they are all friends. The newest addition to the cast is Bill Nighy as Davy Jones. The character of Davy Jones is really cool. He has a beard of tentacles and a crustacean arm which look really boss. Bill Nighy's voice fits the character very well because Nighy has an English accent and it worked for the character to Davy Jones because if Hans Gruber taught us anything, it is that villains with distinct voices are more villainous and more menacing.
The fight scenes are fantastic as usual. Gore Verbenski is a very visual director so when watching one of his films the special effects, makeup and action is going to be superb.
Final Report: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest profits from quick and clever humor, entertaining action and top of the line special effects which lead to a very enjoyable and fun adventure.
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