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Monday, July 8, 2013

Movie Review #45: Cloverfield (2008)

With Pacific Rim coming out this week, it would seem appropriate to review movies that have to do with either monsters or robots. And after watching the first trailer for Pacific Rim, I instantly thought of Cloverfield so how could I not review this?!

The film follows a group of friends who were at a friends going-away party. But at the party, a monster/creature rampages through New York City.

I personally am not a horror movie fan. I think that horror movies are a dime a dozen. So many different horror movies come out each year and there ends up being one or two that are worth remembering. If you're lucky! I could care even less about the "found-footage" horror style. That type of film-making may have worked for The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity, but it is now overused and unoriginal now.

So if you couldn't pick up on my not so subtle opinions on horror films, I am not a fan of them. But this movie interested me because J.J. Abrams is a producer and I have enjoyed just about every film he has had a part in. And after watching the trailer and seeing the Statue of Liberty's head crashing in the street, my interest was a bit more than perked.

So me, not being a horror movie advocate, rented this movie and I can honestly say that this was pretty good. Almost great! For a PG-13 horror film, even though it didn't give me nightmares, I was creepped out watching it.

I thought that the hand-held, found footage would get on my nerves. I thought that it enhanced the experience. It felt pretty realistic for a monster movie. The special effects didn't look cheap. It actually looked like a "found footage" movie with a budget. The scenes that they showed of the monster looked great. I was bummed that they never really showed us what the monster looked like. I hope they will show the monster more clearly in the sequel, if they ever do make a sequel. Unless they did and they called it Super 8...

Final Report: Cloverfield is a creepy creature feature that does what it sets out to do very well. Albeit a very short creature feature.

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