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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Television Review #10: The Walking Dead Season 1 (2010)

If someone asked me what my favorite TV show is, I would answer Doctor Who without even thinking about it. But another one of my favorite shows is The Walking Dead which happens to be returning for its fourth blood-filled season. What better reason is there for me to review every season of this incredible drama.

Season 1: The Pilot episode starts out with our hero Rick, played by Andrew Lincoln, awaking from a coma. Only to realize that he completely missed out on the apocalypse and that the dead are now walking. This was a great introduction to our main character Rick considering the entire episode revolves around him. An entire backstory was given at the beginning telling that he fell into the coma after getting shot in the line of duty.

The next episodes introduce us to Ricks family and Shane his best friend who was his partner on the force. We are also introduced to the other members of this rag-tag group of stragglers and survivors. There are plenty of characters that you either enjoy or detest. Some characters like Rick and Glen have your approval from the start whereas others like Darryl, might have given a bad first impression but as the show goes on they earn your respect. Darryl, in my humble opinion, ends up becoming one of the coolest fictional characters of all time.

The make-up and prosthetics are fantastic. They look very realistic and definitely not for the squeamish or faint-of-heart because this show is about as gory as they come. And in case you were wondering, the show only gets more graphically violent with each season. On a side note, I adore the use of practical effects like prosthetics in a world of CGI. The writing manages to give enough development towards most of the characters. Some cool characters like T-Dog don't get much development while most of the story revolves around Rick, Shane and Rick's family. But the story is so captivating that we are alright with the fact that some of the characters are underdeveloped.

There is also a big plot twist that is teased at during the season finale that is so good that it would make M. Night Shyamalan proud.

Final Report: Season 1 might be only six episodes long but they pack a such a punch. At least enough of a punch to make you want to keep watching.

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