With the Super Bowl being the single most watched sporting event on television, there are of course a ton of new commercials. All of which are trailers to upcoming summer blockbusters! Here are some of the trailer highlights!
First up is Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic Noah. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews when the film was screened in advance. I'm taking all of that with a grain of salt because yes, the film could go either way. All I want is for it to be biblically accurate. Because when you're adapting a Bible story to the big screen, this is one book adaptation you do not want to screw up.
Besides that, this looks like a really epic movie. Aronofsky is a talented director and the film visually looks stunning. So it could possibly be The Ten Commandments for a new generation! Maybe that is a bit unrealistic but anything is possible.
What would a summer at the movies without a Marvel movie or two? The first Marvel movie of the year is Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This looks awesome! I've been hearing really interesting things about this. I heard that it isn't relying highly on CGI and that it minimizes the use of visuals as much as possible. I find that very interesting. We will also be introduced to The Falcon played by Anthony Mackie. Plus, Robert Redford?!?!? What!?! Sign me up!
Sounds like a really sweet flick to me and I can't wait!
This might be surprising to some, but I am looking forward to The Amazing Spiderman 2. I hated the first Amazing Spiderman film because of how absolutely nothing new was brought to the table. But with the introduction of villains Electro and Rhino and some super neato effects, I am hopeful! And with any luck, Dane Dehan as Harry Osborne will hopefully tone down the annoyance of Garfield as Spiderman.
It might not get me in the theaters, but it has my interest for sure. It's a definite maybe for me.
Will it be stupid? Yes.
Will it be cheesy? You bet.
Will it take itself way too seriously? Probably.
Will it have terrible Michael Bay dialogue and cringe worthy humor? For sure.
Will it have Shia Labeef? For once, NO!
Out with Laboots and in with Marky-Mark! Plus, Optimus Prime riding a dinobot. The fifth grader inside of me nearly had a heart attack.
I still might not see this because I don't want to support a franchise I really can't stand, but I would be missing out on robot dinosaurs fighting other robots. If I get the chance to see it, sure I'll see it.
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