To my great surprise, the forthcoming Batman and Superman film starring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor and Cyborg is NOT the Justice League film but actually a sequel to Man of Steel!
Gee, Warner Bros. sure had me fooled!
Zack Snyder announced today that the Justice League, or as I like to call it "Dc's last attempt at competing with the multi-billion dollar comic book behemoth that is Marvel," has been given a release date for 2018. Four years from now and two years after the Man of Steel sequel a.k.a Batman and Superman a.k.a Justice League Lite a.k.a Dc's second to last attempt at competing with the multi-billion dollar comic book behemoth that is Marvel."
If you are really bad at detecting obvious sarcasm, you can clearly tell that I am less than pleased with Warner Bros. and Dc Comics game-plan (if you can even call it that). I just feel like the only reason we are getting a Batman and Superman film and a Justice League film so soon is that they are scrambling to make money in any way, shape or form. And if that means churning out ridiculously hyped up rushed, half-baked films, then that's what they'll do. Just to make an easy $1 billion dollars. And if the films turn out to be complete and utter crap, the studio executives wouldn't care because they just robbed you blind of your hard earned $10, ($15 if you see it in I-Max 3-D!)
I don't want to be just another angry nerd behind a keyboard, because I want this film to be great! And hey who knows, with the route they are going on this film could still be absolutely incredible! It's just that I don't feel like it is going to be from the countless big name characters announced to the weird casting choices. It just seems like they are playing all their cards WAY to early in the game.
Let me remind you of Marvel's grand plan for an Avengers film:
Marvel took a risk when they released Iron Man way back in 2008. As we all remember, the end credits scene was of Tony Stark talking to Nick Fury about "The Avengers Initiative." An Avengers film wasn't confirmed upon Iron Man's release. They would only advance the plan if Iron Man was a hit, and it was a smash. And in 2012, 5 years later after the very mention of an Avengers film, Marvel's grand plan came to fruition in the form of the biggest comic book blockbuster of all time. It was everything we wanted the movie to be and then some. It was awesome and we loved it and you know why we loved it? It's because they took time to plan out what they wanted to do and how to do it right and they hired the people who were perfect for the job.
Now I've figured out what the biggest difference between the executives at Marvel and Dc. I can sum it up in one word: Patience. Dc is scrambling to compete with Marvel in the movie business by throwing everything but the kitchen sink into their next films that probably don't even have a script written. Marvel takes time and consideration when producing their upcoming films to make sure that they are the best they can be.
In a perfect world, this is what would happen: Warner Bros. and Dc Comics should give us solo films for the Justice League heros before the main event. That way the characters won't get glossed over and underdeveloped. A job that the Justice League film shouldn't have to do.
So yes. Those are my thoughts on The Justice League/The Dc dilemma. Underneath this crusty shell of negativity I do have hope. I'm just incredibly uncertain. Here's hoping we get less Justice League casting news and more Star Wars Episode VII castings news in the future!
Couldn't agree with you more. Hoping for the best, planning for the worst.